Δευτέρα, Μαρτίου 07, 2005

Entering this blog thing

Yes, I finally took the decision to follow this new trend. I am not the kind of person who likes to share a lot of his thoughts with others on the net, but I do believe this "blog" thing is a tool that can enhance my communication by sharing thoughts that I allow myself to share. As for the title of my blog I have to say that "Remote" thoughts is because I still feel a little stranger to this and because the thoughts I would like to share here are relevant to remote (distributed) application building.
A few words about me. I am an unemployed physician at the moment (and for the following 2-3 months) and I have been able to get deeper in what is my main hobby since childhood: programming.
I've been using Delphi for the past 7 years and in the past I used all forms of Basic you could ever imagine (from Amstrad CPC464, QuickBasic and VisualBasic, until version 4). I have built a lot of applications (mainly for personal use ) and the nature of my job (medicine) led me to emphasize on database programming. I learned a lot about SQL, normalizing databases e.t.c and fact is I learned Delphi in parallel.
Recently, I finally "published" my first component (in http://cc.borland.com/ccweb.exe/listing?id=23068) without any restriction and this blog will be used to share thoughts about it and how it can be enhanced